Debunking Misconceptions in Choosing Guitars

Debunking Misconceptions of Guitars

Misconception 1: Buy a cheap guitar for RMB 100 or 200 to practice, and upgrade later when you've mastered it

Many people hold this belief, but I must emphasize that you should not opt for a folk guitar under RMB 300, unless you intend to use it as a decorative piece to hang on your wall. There are even guitars priced below RMB 200, which are essentially manufactured to furniture standards. They can be considered toys that make noise rather than true musical instruments. Not only is their pitch unreliable, but the playing feel is also terrible. If you purchase such a guitar, it's not you playing the guitar, but the guitar playing you. Don't ruin the beautiful journey of learning guitar for the sake of RMB 200.


Misconception 2: Imported guitars fall into two categories

  1. One type is made in the United States, Canada, Japan, or some developed European countries. These guitars are expensive, often costing tens of thousands of RMB, and are not affordable for all guitar enthusiasts.

  2. The other type is made in Indonesia. When you see a guitar labeled "Made in Indonesia," you might think it's impressive if you're not familiar with the market. However, you must consider Indonesia's development level and its extremely cheap labor. If it's imported, there's really nothing to argue about. Yet, both are imported, so why is there such a significant difference in the quality of the guitars? Alas...

There's also a type of guitar that deceives beginners

It claims to be a foreign brand (in reality, it's a miscellaneous brand)

In fact, it's all MADE IN CHINA

Many sellers exploit this misunderstanding and strongly recommend so-called imported or "foreign" brands. So why not choose a Chinese-made, cost-effective guitar with a warranty?

I want to tell you that you need to be rational when choosing a guitar. Most low-end and mid-range guitars are made in China or produced by China. Our Chinese guitar-making technology is still good. Please be down-to-earth and don't underestimate Chinese products.

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Misconception 3: Solid Wood is Always Better than Laminate

While it's generally true that solid wood guitars are superior and more expensive, in recent years, some merchants have exploited this misconception among beginners to promote so-called high-value, low-cost solid wood guitars. These guitars might be priced similarly to, or even lower than, some good laminate guitars. As a novice, you must understand that a guitar's quality isn't solely determined by whether it's "solid wood" or "laminate." Factors like design, craftsmanship, wood grade, and overall quality all influence a guitar's quality.

Laminate guitars aren't without their merits. They are more stable and less prone to warping or cracking. For beginners who may not know how to maintain a guitar and have a limited budget, choosing a laminate is a wise decision.

On the other hand, those cheap solid wood guitars, made to cut costs, can hardly be expected to use high-quality wood. The workmanship is often questionable, and the sound is mediocre. A cheap solid wood guitar equals laminate sound quality, unstable construction, and poor craftsmanship.

If there ever comes a time when a solid wood guitar at the same price can truly outperform a laminate, I'll be the first to recommend it! But chances are, the market will naturally phase out the laminate at the same price point, as market laws dictate. So, don't try to cut corners!

wood guitar

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